by lowering the rail line into a trench
featuring modern facilities
Mont Albert heritage plaza, Montrose Street pocket park and Lorne Parade Reserve
The 2 dangerous and congested level crossings at Union Road, Surrey Hills and Mont Albert Road, Mont Albert have been removed by lowering the rail line into a 1.3km trench.
We also built a brand-new Union Station, featuring modern station facilities including a sheltered waiting room, platform access via lifts and stairs, and new pedestrian and cycling connections.
These level crossings were 2 of Melbourne’s worst – the level crossing at Union Road was the site of a tragic incident in 2016 that resulted in 2 fatalities, with at least 8 near misses since 2005. The boom gates were down for up to 40% of the morning peak, when up to 61 trains ran through the crossings.
Planned timeline
The level crossings were removed at Union Road and Mont Albert Road and the new Union Station opened in May 2023.
The Lilydale Line was made level crossing free in 2024.
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69th and 70th level crossing removals at Union Road and Mont Albert Road
Audio. Upbeat music playing.
Text. Union Road, Mont Albert Road.
Vision. Aerial views of Union Road and Mont Albert Road showing trains crossing level crossing and construction works in progress.
Text. 80 Olympic pools of soil removed.
Vision. Aerial view of construction corridor showing 1.3 km of rail trench created.
Text. 1.3km rail trench. 76 Beams lifted in to place.
Vision. Aerial view of crossing location showing cranes in place to lift beams. Night vision of construction works. Time lapse day vision of construction works.
Text. Boom gates gone.
Vision. Day views of traffic flow across rail trench.
Text. New Union Station.
Vision. Aerial view of the new Union Station with train passing through. Aerial view of train using the rail trench.
Text. 70 level crossings now gone for good.
Vision. Aerial view of the new union Station.
Level Crossing Removal Project. Victoria’s Big Build. Victoria State Government.
On behalf of the Victorian Government, the Level Crossing Removal Project is removing 110 dangerous and congested level crossings across Melbourne by 2030.